The journey of a bearded man road tripping cross-country to visit every ski resort in North America

There are 818+ ski resorts in North America right now, and I plan to visit every single one.  I will travel for months at a time in my self-built skoolie documenting everything good and bad about every mountain I visit.  I hope that my journey will make it easier for all ski enthusiasts to do what it is we love. SKI!  

Who is crazy enough to do that?

I am!

Skiing is my life. At the age of two, my father put me in a pair of skis and I have been sliding with style ever since. My passion for skiing hit its peak in 2016 when I became a ski instructor and again in 2018 when I joined the National Ski Patrol (NSP). Currently, I’m working for Mountain Creek and Big SNOW in New Jersey as an NSP certified Ski Patroller. I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to do what I love year-round.

I’m doing this because I want to find my favorite mountain and stay there.  Being an active member of the National Ski Patrol gives me so many great opportunities to work at new mountains and stay in new places. 

This isn’t just a ski trip, it’s a journey

The purpose of this journey started as a dream and it has now become my reality. 

I will go to all 818+ ski resorts in North America and use my skills to document everything good and bad about every resort. Then I’ll publish my findings on this website in the form of short informative videos. I also will collect trail maps and stickers from every place I go.

What will it cost?

Having a simple lifestyle will help me afford my journey. I will be traveling in my self-built skoolie (check out the build here) Edit: I sold that and travel in a custom built 4Runner now so I can stay overnight in free parking lots.  When I arrive at a new location I will take the first chair, get first tracks, and ski every acre of terrain available. At the end of the day, I will pack up and drive to the next resort on my list. 

As I go to more resorts, I will compile a list of prices, possible discounts, and places to stay nearby.

Want to know where I am?

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